Things that Matter

דברים שנוגעים

Things that Matter

It is so difficult and important to say thank youTonight I was invited to a company event at one of the companies where

Fifth Tip for COVID Days

In this video, I summarize the process of examining the defects in an information system and decide whether to continue to the next step – and examine the replacement of the system

Fourth Tip for COVID Days

In this video I examine if there is an external solution (a system) for a specific issue, and taking advantage of a small side system for such specific issues

Third Tip for COVID Days

In this video I explain how to handle system defects. Handling defects is carried out in three stages – in this video we will perform the first stage: examining

Second Tip for COVID Days

In this video I explain how to prepare a list of defects in your information system. The goal is to clearly map what you would like your information system to include

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